DiscoverSideline Sisters21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"
21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"

21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"

Update: 2024-05-08


Mint Miller is the creator and host of the BetterMint podcast. Mint’s podcast is meant to help others by letting her experience be their survival guide because in her stories and healing, she believes others will recognize their own. As a divorced, single mom of two young girls, Mint has felt stuck in her career for the past 20 years that triggers her anxiety. Compounded with the stress of divorce, the combination has caused that anxiety to become debilitating. It wasn’t until doing recent trauma healing work that she realized much of her anxiety is a trauma response to past experiences from childhood. She finally used what she learned in her healing journey and began to set limits and boundaries that changed the narrative of her life and allowed her to step into who she really is and the person she knows she was meant to be. 

Mint feels that her practice of setting limits and boundaries has made such a profound impact on her life that she wants others to learn this practice and experience the same positivity and balance in theirs. She works with successful “go-to” women by coaching them through her “3 Yes Boundary Method” to help them identify what they value most, so they can say YES to what’s most important to them and have the confidence to say no to what isn’t. This approach also helps women understand their values and their worthiness. During her healing journey, Mint also opened up to the spiritual medium gifts she discovered she had as a very young child, and does Angel Card Readings for others in person (if local) or via Zoom.
Mint's Note's from the Sidelines:

  1. Golf is a true test of mental stability.

  2. Mental strength can trump actual talent any day.

  3. It's easy to get in your head but even easier to let someone else get in your head.

  4. So many benefits of mindfulness practice, but the most integral one for Mint was a mantra to tune out the noise, "In with the good, out with the bad." It helped her regain focus and stay positive.

  5. The benefits of being involved in sports translate to the corporate world: focus, take criticism, work in groups/teamwork

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21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"

21 - Mint Miller talks about the mental lessons of golf and applying them in the "real world"

Jenny Cheifetz